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STYLOSPOT is the fastest growing lifestyle and business social network,which has every thing
you need to achieve your goals and live more stylo life, meet and greet with friends, make new
connections for life, share your thoughts, live the way you want and unleash your income potential !
Be the part of StyloSpot as our franchiser & unleash your income potential

Direct Selling Business Opportunity
Direct selling is an important part of global heritage and originated as a way to exchange goods and services. This method offers consumers a personal and convenient way to purchase products that they may not have access to otherwise. All cultures ancient and modern have been involved in selling on a one-to-one basis. Direct selling is defined as the sale of a consumer product or service through a home party, through product e-catalogs on a one-to-one basis and has grown to include television and online shopping. The sales force usually consists of independent contractors who market products directly to consumers.
Being franchiser (an independent consultant) allow an individual the flexibility to set their work schedules, own their own businesses, earn extra income and have a wide circle of influence.

Direct selling business rewards
There are no specific requirements to become a franchiser, only the desire to succeed in a career that offers endless opportunities to:
• Enhance one's income
• Be your own boss
• Sell stylospot ‘s product or services you believe in
• Set personal goals
• Work full or part time, leaving time for activities with your family and friends

Many so called MLM companies offer training and support to ensure an individual's success, but we don’t, as we are here for collective betterment. We are very busy in innovations, we even don’t offer any sort of fake training as we are telling each and every thing here on our portal;

Sound’s bad !
No not at all !

We are neither MLM nor a pyramid business
We want to clearly mention here that actually we are neither MLM nor a pyramid business which show people big dreams and ask them to sell some products in ten time market rates then their actual market worth… Or
Ask to their Members to do some money investments, you can see that they will never offer any thing free of cost; as actually they are selling nothing ; they have nothing for them selves ; they don’t even tell reality about the owners of their companies ; we all knows many MLM scams in which so called companies asked to people that they have to purchase Gold watches or have to book Gold coins in advance etc , they are claiming that they are European company; you will wonder if you check the independent data on world’s most respected web for internet data; www.alexa.com that; the so called gold watch seller company is actually having more then 91 percent business from Pakistan.

It’s like a joke that a european company is not having a penny business in euorope as per alexa.com; there all users are from non-eu countries like pakistan 91.1 %, bahrain 0.8% & other countries like uae 8.1 %
See here alexa data chart about so called gold watch seller MLM company this is seen on alexa.com on 27-dec-2009.

Country %User
Pakistan 91.1%
Bahrain 0.8%
  Other 8.1%
What it shows?
Its shows that they can flew away any time from any where?
As they have no office in Pakistan officially and they are not using legal ways for money transfers in Pakistan as well; they are using PayPal as there payment method, as per Paypal official statements on paypal.com. Paypal says;
  1. Payments through paypal are illegal for any MLM business.
  2. Paypal is not dealing in pakistan for any kind of payment till now.
So friends beware of Fake MLM companies! let us make you clear again we are neither MLM nor a pyramid business but   you can join us   as our franchier to unleash your income potential.
The direct sales industry
The direct sales industry represents approximately $30 Billion in sales in the United Sates, around $114 Billion worldwide and growing. People of all backgrounds and ages have enjoyed success in this industry. STYLOSPOT celebrates your right to choose the life you want to lead. This means balancing your work around family and lifestyle needs. It's about loving what you do, earning what you want, feeling appreciated and valued, learning from positive, uplifting people, and being rewarded and recognized.

Our sales team is online on our web to your help 24 /7/365.
So if you have any question! Ask them, they will help you!
If you need to talk sales team, you can call on our help line 021.34890900
Franchisers Module
Each franchiser plan contains a virtual office on our official web portal. All franchiser accounts will be setup with in 3 working days after receipt of payments.



for starting bussiness

allowed for refferal

Per signup
profit for once only

 One time payment for opening account for 1 year

Income sealing Per month



Silver   Franchiser
(01-30 sales )

Pak Rupees


10  Percent
Of  total price

5000 RS

Pak Rupees


 (01-50 sales )

Pak Rupees


12  Percent
Of  total price

7000 RS

Pak Rupees


crystal Franchiser
 (01 –100 sales)
Pak Rupees
All 15  percent
Of total  price 
10000 RS No limit

Where do I start?
Now you may be thinking "Where do I start?"
Answer is again so simple
For companies, groups or professionals who want to be listed on STYLOSPOT as franchiser.
Just register your self on stylospot as free member & then upgrade your self as;

Silver franchiser = initial deposit = 50000 Rupees which will be deposited in their wallet for generation of tickets - (one time account opening fee per year = 5000 RS only which will be deducted from wallet ) profit 10 percent

Golden franchier = initial deposit = 100000 Rupees which will be deposited in their wallet - (one time account opening fee per year = 7000 RS only which will be deducted from wallet ) proft 12 percent

Crystal franchiser = initial deposit = 200000 (one time account opening fee = 10000 RS only which will be deducted from wallet per year) proft 15 percent

Afret up gradation; you can start bussiness and earn money, company will provide you a vitual office for your bussiness.
All franchiser accounts will be setup with in 3 working days after reciet of payments.

What we have to sale & what the ticket quota is?
Now you may be thinking “what we have to sale & what the ticket quota is?
So again answers are here; as franchiser of stylospot you have to sell the crystal & opal Membership plans, for doing so company will issue you some quota of tickets which will be shown in your virtual office which will be accessible online on World Wide Web. Your virtual office will be equipped with world’s finest marketing tools which will used by you to import your friends from popular email websites to biggest social networks on one place , they all will be your potential customers and they will be shown in your connections.

You will sell those tickets for joining stylospot as per plan rates, each and every ticket can be used for joining stylospot as opal member or crystal member. Company will charge the price from your wallet as per price schedule, you have to provide full guidence to customers so that they can complete the joining process with ease of mind, when any purchaser joins stylospot by using a ticket which is generated by you, your earning will be as per schedule.

as franchiser if you are in pakistan
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